Arduino Example
This source code is provided as-is, without any warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability. The user assumes full responsibility for testing, validation, and ensuring compliance with all applicable regulations and standards.
#include <Wire.h>
void writeHoldingRegister(uint16_t holdingRegisterAddress, uint16_t data) {
Wire.beginTransmission(0x11); // This is the I2C Chip Address of the IS4310. Never changes.
// A Holding Register address is 16-bits long, so we need to write 2 bytes to indicate the address.
Wire.write((holdingRegisterAddress >> 8) & 0xFF); // Send high 8-bits of the Holding Register Address we want to write.
Wire.write(holdingRegisterAddress & 0xFF); // Send low 8-bits of the Holding Register Address we want to write.
// A Holding Register data register is 16-bits long. So we need to write 2 bytes to make a full Holding Register Write:
Wire.write((data >> 8) & 0xFF); // Send high 8-bits of the data we want to write to the Holding Register.
Wire.write(data & 0xFF); // Send low 8-bits of the data we want to write to the Holding Register.
uint16_t readHoldingRegister(uint16_t holdingRegisterAddress) {
uint16_t result; // This is the variable where the read data will be saved.
Wire.beginTransmission(0x11); // This is the I2C Chip Address of the IS4310. Never changes.
// A Holding Register address is 16-bits long, so we need to write 2 bytes to indicate the address.
Wire.write((holdingRegisterAddress >> 8) & 0xFF); // Send high 8-bits of the Holding Register Address we want to read.
Wire.write(holdingRegisterAddress & 0xFF); // Send low 8-bits of the Holding Register Address we want to read.
// A Holding Register data register is 16-bits long. So we need to read 2 bytes to make a full Holding Register Read:
Wire.requestFrom(0x11, 2); // From the IS4310, request 2 bytes (2 bytes make a full Holding Register).
result =; // Read the first byte.
result = result << 8; // Make space for the second byte.
result = result |; // Read the second byte.
return result; // Return the read 16-bit register.
void setup() {
uint16_t ModbusSlaveID;
Wire.begin(); // Initialize the I2C.
Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize the Serial for the prints.
// The Modbus Slave ID is stored in the Holding Register Address 500 of the IS4310, let's read it:
ModbusSlaveID = readHoldingRegister(500);
// Let's print the read Modbus Slave ID:
Serial.print("The Modbus Slave Address is: ");
void loop() {
uint16_t humidity = 47; // Let's imagine a humidity sensor that reads a level of 47% RH.
// Let's write the humidity to the Holding Register Address 0:
writeHoldingRegister(0, humidity);
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